♥ Note: Throughout this blog I will be using the True and Correct names of the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, as opposed to the False or Incorrect names and titles given to the Creator whom the world calls Lord, God, and Jesus Christ.
Have you noticed that everything that is created, made, or built, had a pattern drawn out before it came into physical existence?
In other words, every designer or carpenter has drawn out a sketch or blueprint of something they had in mind to build or create. And after following the exact guidelines of this pattern, that physical manifestation of the very thing they had in mind has been created, such as a building, a car, or piece of furniture.
Just stop and think about this for a moment, we are creators on a lower scale than that of the TRUE CREATOR of Heaven and Earth who Himself creates or builds by a pattern which is 3-fold.
But first, here’s the 3-fold part with man so that you can get a general idea of how this physical creation was made by the Yahweh Elohim (the Lord God);
1. That which was in one’s mind was an abstract idea or thought
2. It then takes shape and form in the mind and drawn out on paper
3. It becomes an exact phyical replica of that which was in the mind.
Just that simple, and we never gave it much thought.
Here it is on the pattern;
(Most Holy Place)
An Abstract Idea or Thought
Has No Shape Or Form As Of
(Holy Place)
Here, It Takes Shape And Form
And Drawn Out On Paper
(Court Round About)
And Finally It Is Physically
Manifested, (Created, Built, Or
So now we can clearly see and understand how we create according to a definite pattern, in a 3-fold-like maner likened unto the Father.
Now this pattern that is drawn out by man and diligently followed is a reflect of how Yahweh (the Lord) brought everything into existence.
But the difference is, He Himself is the pattern from which all things were made, He is "The Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe."
He is 3-fold, as everything in the universe testifies to.
How so? Well, He is the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these 3 are one so says l John 5:7 and everything that was created including man, was created according to this 3-fold pattern that was shown to Moses in Mt. Sinai, as it states in Exodus 25:8-9:40 (also read I Chronicles 28:19; and Hebrews 5:8).
In Exodus 25:8-9 Yahweh (the Lord) tells Moses to make a tabernacle and see that he makes it according to the pattern he was shown in Mount Sinai in a vision.
If you read further in Exodus 26th and 27th chapters you will read how that the tabernacle which Moses constructed was 3-fold, consisting of a Most Holy Place, Holy Place, and Court Round About.
These were 3 distinctive compartments yet one structure, just as the Ark that Yahweh Elohim (the Lord God) instructed Noah to build had 3 levels yet one structure, (Gen.6:16) it was not 3 individual or separate boats nor was there 3 separate tabernacles.
May I say at this point that there were only 3 things that Yahweh or (the Lord) instructed a man to build, they were; the Ark, the Tabernacle, and Solomon’s Temple, and all of these structures were built in the 3-fold manner, reflecting the 3-fold Godhead.
Now this was to give man an understanding of how we were created in His likeness and image
Now let me give you some idea of the structure of this tabernacle that was shown to Moses in the Mount;
Most Holy Place
Holy Place
Court Round About
This 3-fold tabernacle reflected the 3-fold make-up of Yahweh Elohim or God, shown below;
(Most Holy Place)
The Father
(Holy Place)
The Word
(Court Round About)
The Holy Spirit
(Yahshua the Messiah)
(Jesus Christ)
You can see that this is just a 3-in-1 structure, made that way to reflect the true make-up of our Heavenly Father who is The Archetype (Original) Pattern Of The Universe, and everything that He created, was created 3-fold according to Himself.
Now as I said, this pattern reveals how man is made in Elohim’s (God’s) likeness and image. lJohn 5:8
How so? Well let’s look at it;
Man is made up body, soul, and spirit, this is to reflect the Father’s make-up, who is Spirit without any particular shape and form who is also inconceivable and inscrutable in this state, the Word or Son, an incorporeal or Ghost like form that can only be seen in visions or dreams, and then you have the physical manifestation of Yahshua the Messiah or Jesus Christ, who appeared on earth as the physical man.
Now let’s put it on the pattern;
Man’s Make-Up
(Most Holy Place)
(Holy Place)
(Court Round About)
Now someone may ask; Why is this pattern not in the bible? But it is, we just read over it not realizing that it was there all along. Exodus 25:9;lChronicles 28:19;Hebrews 8:5
In reality, it had to take the man Himself to point this out, and if we research the Bible we will see that all of these inspired writings either came by a vision or thru a prophet sent by Yahweh Elohim to speak to the jewish people at that time, and deliver the words that He had instructed Him to speak.
And believe it or not it continues that way til this day, it has continued to operate the self-same way as in the days of old. Isaiah.46:9-10;Malachi 3:6
Now a few other things that I wanted to bring up to show forth this 3-fold element with man and that is this; there is another way to look at man’s physical make-up, the head cavity, chest cavity, and abdominal cavity.
Most medical doctors will confirm this 3-fold make up in medical research, most any doctor will confirm that this is the structure of man, physically so.
So let’s look at that on the pattern;
Man’s Physical Make-up
(Most Holy Place)
Head Cavity
(Holy Place)
Chest Cavity
(Court Round About)
Abdominal Cavity
Now someone may ask, what about the arms and legs? Well if you read the scriptures I gave above Exodus 26-27th chapters you will read that those vessels that were built and put into the tabernacle in their various compartments had what you call staves (stick or staff) that they used to carry the vessel around.
As you legs and arms (likened unto staves) carry you around while walking or driving.
Another thing we can look at is your fingers, your legs, your arms, all are 3-fold, for instance your arm is hand, lower arm, and upper arm, your leg is foot, calve, and thigh.
These are witnesses to show that one is made in the likeness and image of His creator. And after He designed us He put His signature on us, made visible in the hand..and feet YM or YW or YHWH (Yahshua the Messiah or Yahweh Elohim) where also He was pierced.
Now, let’s look at a tree and it’s make-up, it’s branches, trunk, and roots, it’s 3-fold.
A Tree
Most Holy Place
Holy Place
Court Round About
This creation is air, sea, and land, and anything you investigate you will find that it is that way.
The Creation
Most Holy Place
Holy Place
Court Round About
An atom is proton-MHP, neutron-HP, and electron-CRA, a cell is nuecleolus-MHP, nucleus-HP, and cell body-CRA
Everything is made that way to testify to the one TRUE God of the Universe, and only His signature is on His creation which includes everything.
For it is He that is the Official Designer of Heaven and all things that are therein, the Earth and all things that are therein, and the Sea and all things that are therein.
Now I pointed all of that out to say this; that if mankind all over the world uses a pattern as a guide to build and create, then why not religion?
How else can the house of God be built from the ground up in a spiritual sense without a pattern?
But there’s just one thing, this pattern was drawn out by God Himself because it is Him doing the building of His House.
Remember, it is the man that draws out the pattern or blue print that is in charge and responsible for the building of a house.
He is the one that makes sure all things goes according to the pattern that he has created or drawn out.
If things does not go that way, then the house is going to be off balanced in some way, and they usually have to find the problem and fix it so that everything falls back on track in the continual building.
A lot of times you will find that when an unfinished building becomes off track, someone has not followed specific directions, and the guy in charge of the blue print is upset because they did not follow the specific directions and guidelines explained and set before them.
He has a schedule or appointed time that the house is to be finished, and time is being wasted trying to fix the problem, so he’s pretty upset at this point.
But now you can see the importance of a pattern in the world and in religion.
And I hope you continue to research and investigate further for a better understanding.
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